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Legal translation
Our experts work tirelessly with your experts
      to meet your needs!

When cooperating with Loquax, you can commission any legal translation project with total confidence. This is vitally important in the legal field, as ordinary people's lives are usually radically affected the legal & administrative world, a responsibility of which I'm sure you are acutely aware.

To cater for your needs, Loquax uses the extensive experience, knowledge and skills of translators who are law graduates in specialised fields. Thanks to the high linguistic competence and excellent ordering procedure in this complex field, all projects completed by Loquax are distinguished by genuine professionalism and promptness.

We offer the full range of legal translations in these specialist fields

Administrative law
Civil & procedural law
Civil law
Constitutional law
Criminal law
European Union legislation
Family law
International law
Legal information technology
Roman law
Tax law
Many more

... and in these document types

Financial statement
Founding acts
Laws, bills and acts
Letters of attorney
Notarial deeds
Register of companies statements
Resolutions & decisions
Tender documentation
Trade agreements

When cooperating with Loquax you can be absolutely sure that all your materials translated by us will be of great value, in legal language. content and validity

If you have any questions, please contact us.

We welcome you enthusiastically to use our services.
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Choisissez votre langue: * English * Deutsch * Français * Italiano * Español * Polski * 日本 * © 2005, LOQUAX. All rights reserved