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Marketing et publicité

Phone (+48) 81 740 11 13
Fax (+48) 81 533 86 91

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Marketing and Advertising
Creation - Transmission - Understanding

International and multicultural marketing projects almost always involve localisation or even target contextualisation. Mere text translation is nowhere near enough. It involves far more – such as localising the original source language and/or editing material anew by a native speaker of the target language. So your product or service, your message or proposition, will be presented with literal, cultural and technical accuracy acceptable, meaningful and motivating to the specific region, country, culture or industry you are reaching.

Types of services

Theory of marketing material translation
Translation and text preparation for further editing
Editing & proofreading
Language material creation
Pilot advertising material testing in target country
Pre and post research & copy testing
Cultural support
Advertising material localisation for all media & formats
Multilingual website localisation

When you cooperate with Loquax you can be certain that your textual and visual presentations will be fully localised and in harmony with target audience expectations, so will be meaningful & motivating to YOUR target market

If you have any questions, please contact us.

We welcome you enthusiastically to use our services.

Traductions des documents audiovisuels


Localisation des logiciels

Multilingual WWW Services

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Garantie de qualité

Politique des prix

Devis rapide du texte

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Choisissez votre langue: * English * Deutsch * Français * Italiano * Español * Polski * 日本 * © 2005, LOQUAX. All rights reserved