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Terminology management

Conscious use of language

In your company, like every other, there is a need to consciously and comprehensively manage and control your use of terminology in internal and external communication between your employees, clients & consultants.

Opening up and recognising client’s needs and expectations, Loquax offers global services of cataloguing, sorting, defining and implementing all terminology resources used in specific company working environments.

For internationally-operating companies we create terminology data banks in the form of multilingual glossaries, vocabularies and dictionaries, depending on the level & trend of company globalisation

When working closely with us you can be totally sure that, whatever language we work in, the terminology appearing in all your material processed by us will be relevant, comprehensive and precise, and will be a great aid to the maximum efficiency of your Company and yourself

If you have any questions, please contact us.

We welcome you enthusiastically to use our services.
Just some of the benefits of a rigorous terminology control programme
  • Optimisation of the Company internal communication process
  • Harmonisation & standardisation of internal language procedures
  • Increase in efficiency of globalisation operations
  • Optimisation of communication with new business entities
  • Long-term cost reduction of translation project
  • Time-saving effects on recruiting new employees

Tools & systems
When carrying out translation projects Loquax employs a range of advanced computer-aided tools and software that help to manage terminology and utilise uniform glossary data banks created in the normal course for particular clients and respective language projects.

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Choisissez votre langue: * English * Deutsch * Français * Italiano * Español * Polski * 日本 * © 2005, LOQUAX. All rights reserved